microSong Entries

microSong Challenge

687.9K plays 144.6K downloads
Released Jan 26, 2015
Plays 687.9K
Downloads 144.6K
Favorites 23
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC0 1.0 Universal Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

Get ready, get set, GET SMALL! Get your tiny instruments together (or oversized ones, or ones that are juuuust right), grab a recording device, and add your itty bitty masterpiece(s) to our collection! Every microSong will be licensed under a Creative Commons Zero license so that it can be freely used by anyone in a video, remix, extraordinarily brief performance art piece, or whatever else they may choose.
Songs must be your own work, and must not exceed fifteen (15) seconds in length. We only accept MP3 submissions. First prize wins a 3-D printer. Runners up get swag from Creative Commons and WFMU. 
So, do you have a few seconds? Help us come up short! 
The Challenge begins on January 26th & runs through February 20th 2015.
To enter, login with your FMA username and click on the "Submit Track" button at the top of the album page. 

DANUTZ Jul 11, 2015

i am interested for a sublime show in ROMANIA

Jaan Patterson Feb 25, 2015

that sure sounds pleasing! Glad to have taken part, was really lot's of fun! Thanks WFMU & FMA & Cheyenne! suRRism cheers!

arthurbarry Feb 21, 2015

The reviews of the album are in: "Short to please." -Spin "Nothing short of amazing." - Rolling Stone "Oh, you'll have the time." - Pitchfork "We Quit." - 30 Seconds to Mars

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