A Maze Sing Wave


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Released Jan 01, 2015
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1 track preview of Z'EV's "A Maze Sing Wave"
Type: Tape + Digital copy on Bandcamp
Location: Sasso Marconi ( Italy )
Date: 2015
Tracks: 4
Duration: 46 minutes
Genre: binary acoustics
Section: Tapes
Artwork: Akis Karanos 
Recorded in Sasso Marconi, Bologna, at John Duncan's residence, “A Maze Sing Wave” is Z'EV's latest work, especially composed for Spettro records. It's needless to say what an honor it is to host Z'EV on Spettro, an artist I so much admire and that has so strongly made Spettro Records' history. It was him who played for Spettro's opening concert back in 2010, and it his him who will continue forging its destiny and giving us strenght.