the style of simultaneously combining a number of parts, each forming an individual melody and harmonizing with each other.
means 'more' and is used with other musical commands to increase their effects.
Initiated in 2016,
Polyphony Più are an extension of the
Ov Moi Omm universe. They experiment in electronic sound, blending in neo classical and ethnic sounds.
"Weave a circle round him thrice, And close you eyes with holy dread, For he on honey-dew hath fed, And drank the milk of Paradise.
" - Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan; or, A Vision in a Dream
"Readers may be divided into four classes: I. Sponges, who absorb all they read, and return it nearly in the same state, only a little dirtied. II. Sand-glasses, who retain nothing, and are content to get through a book for the sake of getting through the time. III. Strain-bags, who retain merely the dregs of what they read. IV. Mogul diamonds,equally rare and valuable, who profit by what they read, and enable others by it also." -
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Notes and Lectures Upon Shakespeare and Some of the Old Poets and Dramatists.