Captain Glouglou's Incredible Week Soundtrack


210.6K plays 15.9K downloads
Released Jul 14, 2018
Plays 210.6K
Downloads 15.9K
Favorites 26
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC0 1.0 Universal Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Hello ! Here is the soundtrack of the game Captain Glouglou's Incredible Week !
There is only the first track in the game. It's during the development of the game that I realised that the bitsy application couldn't run multiple tracks for the game. So there is just the tune "Soundtrack" in the game, the other featuring in this album haven't been used. Some tunes were thought before the creation of the game, so some names of activity are definitely not accurate.
If there is an update for the integration of music in bitsy, I'll add them in the game.
For the english version of the game
Pour la version française du jeu

Comments Oct 14, 2018

Oh, man, sick melodies!

rob-parenti Sep 02, 2018

Cool stuff :)!

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