Carvery In The Community


13.5K plays 2.1K downloads
Released Jul 14, 2017
Plays 13.5K
Downloads 2.1K
Favorites 0
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-SA 4.0 Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Initially inspired by a recipe song competition, Keshco present a 4-track EP with a distinctly political flavour. Released for Netlabel Day 2017, the songs here examine the creeping privatisation of Britain's National Health Service; easy-to-follow guidelines for making your own vegan protein no-bake balls; the necessity of protest and survival in the face of an uncaring ruling class; and what we've learned about tax evasion from the Panama papers. Grab it and have a good nibble.
Keshco this time:Andy BrainLuke SampleCaroline VileThanks to Gareth Monger, Andrew Walton and Bob Follen for support