Christmas, Christmas, Christmas


33.2K plays < 1K downloads
Released Nov 29, 2023
Plays 33.2K
Downloads 7
Favorites 1
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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I made these 2 years ago for Christmas. I have evolved as a Lo-Fi producer A LOT since then. I almost didn't post these because they don't exactly fit the standard nostalgic Lo-Fi vibe, BUT I relistened the other night, and decided these are actually really cool. Enjoy!

These Christmas instrumentals are only available for commercial or derivative uses by my Patreon subscribers. I upload a lot of music here on FMA to my other page "HoliznaCC0" that is completely free to use! I started this Patreon project as a way to fund my passion for getting free quality music to folks who are undergoing creative endeavors on a tight budget. This support helps me make time for music. Plus you get a lot of bonus music for your own creative endeavors! **A LOT OF MUSIC**

please consider subscribing :)
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