
Asian Mae

53.2K plays 13.5K downloads
Released Mar 19, 2014
Plays 53.2K
Downloads 13.5K
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The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Donnue Hamulak sings and stomps on 1. Cerberus Shoal does their thing on 8 & 13, Chriss Sutherland sings and plays guitar on 14, tank 28 family & friends sing on 16.
Caleb Mulkerin played dobro on tracks 1, 5, & 11, slide on 5 &11 and recorded through various means almost all of the tracks on this album. Thanks Caleb. Colleen Kinsella sang, played guitar, accordian, harmonium, piano, talking gypsy magnet & a bell.
all songs were recorded from December 1999-2004