Drag Me to the Witch House (2021)

Humanfobia (old account)

2.7K plays < 1K downloads
Released Aug 07, 2021
Plays 2.7K
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The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

†▲2021 HUMANFOBIA ALBUM †▲ Ðrᐃg mê †ð †hê Wh Hðµ§ê

female vocals: Mist Spectra.
Sound programming, mixer, male vocals: Sábila Orbe.


vocals, lyrics, in tracks 1,2,3,5 & 6, model in the cover: Mist Spectra.

mixed, sound programming, cover artwork design, vocals only in track 4: Sábila Orbe.

background vocals tracks 5 & 6: Celestina the cat.

track 1 music sample by Atami.
tracks 2 & 3 stems by Paploviante
track 5 stems by Yoshiwaku
track 8 mixed by BL▲K.:P▲N3L:.SKR↑P†

vocals in tracks 8,9,10,11 & 12 by BOTS. generated from acapela box website.