Fever Dreams

Mr Smith

141.2K plays < 1K downloads
Released Feb 26, 2023
Plays 141.2K
Downloads 125
Favorites 12
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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A fresh batch of Guitar driven stings for the 2023 soundtrack season .

Tribute to Angelo Badalamenti :Twin Peaks Series 1

1.Awkward Cafe
2.First Rays
3.Fredson Falls
5.El Finale

Pieces Without Drums on this album :

A Poison Pill
Sirocco 1
Even Monsters Cry
Your Drowning In It
Baroque and Back
Trickle Down
High Noon 2 : Sun in the Eyes Mix
Angel Down

High Noon (theme sting set )

High Noon I
High Noon II (Sun In My Eyes Mix)
High Noon III (Spanish Guitar Mix)

Exclusive to FMA by Mr Smith.


Robin Smith


Robin Smith