Flow Sessions


34.2K plays < 1K downloads
Released Dec 25, 2023
Plays 34.2K
Downloads 32
Favorites 5
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Album info

This album came to be in result of the challenge we set for us for the advent time of 2023. We set rules that we would produce and release a track and my partner Anna Repman would do a painting for this track. For 20 days we continue to release until we decided to abrupt it few days before Christmas. Resulting album turned out to cover a bunch of different genres, from ambient and soundscape to hip=hop beats and even breakcore.

All the tracks are available for use in content under Creative Commons BY 4.0 international. Safe to use in YouTube video - no automatic flags or content-id detections.

released December 25, 2023

Produced by Vlas Presnetsov
Artworks by Anna Repman