Free Background Music


70.8K plays < 1K downloads
Released Jan 03, 2023
Plays 70.8K
Downloads 24
Favorites 5
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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For more questions regarding usage, feel free to contact the artist directly.

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Background Music for you projects.


✅ You can use the tracks in your videos for FREE but without the ability to monetize them on YouTube. Perhaps you will get a copyright claim on your YouTube video, that's fine, you do not worry about anything, with your video going fine, it will not be deleted.

✅ If you want to remove the copyright or you want to include monetization of your videos and earn money, you need to purchase licenses for each track that you use.

❗️You cannot Claim my tracks and sound effects as your own.
❗️You can NOT sell the tracks and sound effects anywhere. (Stocks, Production Library Music and so on)
❗️You cannot Register my tracks and sound effects in any store/platform. (Spotify, Apple Music and so on)
❗️You cannot Register my tracks and sound effects in Content ID.

I create background music and sound effects for the soul and for your inspiration.
- Support my creativity
- Support my creativity 💰PayPal