Freeharmonics Vol. 1

The Freeharmonic Orchestra

55.9K plays < 1K downloads
Released Jun 01, 2016
Plays 55.9K
Downloads 52
Favorites 2
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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The largest musical collaboration among Free Music Archive artists. Enlisting a dozen musicians with diverse backgrounds from the FMA, a framework was set up for random collaboration over the internet on the dozen tracks on this album, with three musicians per track, assigned to either start, continue or finish their piece.

I Know Its Raining, Lets Hug Anyway by Candlegravity, Unthunk, and Simon Mathewson

If Thats What You Want by Steve Combs, half cocked, and Unthunk

Tessera by Blue Dot Sessions, Scott Holmes, and half cocked

Turkish Delight by half cocked, Blue Dot Sessions, and Small Colin (Ft. Lee Rosevere on drums)

Eat My Shorts by Scott Holmes, Small Colin, and Matt Oakley

Sleepless by Jahzzar, Candlegravity, and Blue Dot Sessions

Trident by Simon Mathewson, Steve Combs, and Jahzzar

Unconquered Sun by Matt Oakley, Simon Mathewson, and Scott Holmes

Loops To Aviemore by Small Colin, Matt Oakley, and Aglow Hollow

Mach Precedent by Aglow Hollow, Monk Turner, and Candlegravity

Baby Babble by Monk Turner, Aglow Hollow, and Steve Combs

Veronicas Lament by Unthunk, Jahzzar, and Monk Turner


Lee Rosevere