released 19 April 2013
■ EPV_127 ''Fuga'' - / free download
If you download this album at bandcamp, immediate download of album in your choice of MP3 320, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire and bonus( wallpaper for iphone etc... )
:: Free Download ::
■ EPV_127
3rd anniversary - 2nd stage
After all,
the hole is open to imagine how we can interpret,
I can not get to the answer.
Into a mixture of order and the reality
in the "delusion" and "nightmare".
We are lured into the labyrinth with no exit...
■ bonus item
wallpaper for iPhone 4 & 5 (lock & home screen) ,
wallpaper for PC
all tracks by -
cover art by Akita Yoshiko / akkki
M-12 / sample & special thanks…
The Vanities(
■ - (sound)
His music is that rather than toward the outside,
Towards the inner surface of the human.
:: web ::
■ Akita Yoshiko / akkki (cover art)
Graphic Design / Movie / VJ
A base is moved from Kansai to Kanto and the graphic design and Web design which were based on graphic arts are made.
She is making much artwork and the feminine and delicate expression has the hot support from music and fashion industry.
Moreover, it is working also as VJ in the name of akkki.
Her image performance which is in sympathy with a beat decorates many club events and peak times.
:: web ::
:: other release ::
EPV_050''V.A_Interim Report''
EPV_079''V.A_hope2 . 0''
EPV:BEYOND_001''V.A_elements turned into dust, beautifully shine again.''