Good Night


106.8K plays 27.7K downloads
Released Dec 01, 2015
Plays 106.8K
Downloads 27.7K
Favorites 7
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Album info

,,Good Night“  and sweet dreams.  These words we hear from many people and they are suppose to mean something positive. However,the essence of this album is different. ,,Good night” as a symbol of the end, the change that is happening all around us. A small sentence “sweet dreams” is a belief in a better future where healthy mother earth, beautiful landscapes and human wisdom will still exists.
This new album contains 12 tracks.  Whereas the creative common allows the use of songs in a variety of other creations  I tried to make it all in ,,soundtrack style” or ,,trailer”.   But the album is also intended as a piece of music to listen to on its own and enjoy it.
Big thank you for cover art :
Kabir Shah
Nathascha Friis
Cover edit : Michal Orsava

