Gravity offence


8.7K plays 53.7K downloads
Released May 02, 2009
Plays 8.7K
Downloads 53.7K
Favorites 1
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

Maybe the massive use of electronic instruments and complex songwriting structures would make Silencide’s music file under electronica or IDM, but his brilliant sense of melody and his taste for story telling music definitly belong to pop music. Between gravity and lightness, each track from “Gravity offence” invites your imagination to leave the ground.

ego twister Aug 05, 2011

Oh thanks a lot to you for telling us!

Heavy User Aug 05, 2011

this album is so unique and great - it was a kind "hearing school" to me. thanksthanksthanks! :D

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