"How Much Land Does A Man Need?"


2K plays 6.1K downloads
Released Dec 12, 2011
Plays 2K
Downloads 6.1K
Favorites 2
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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It may take a few listens through for this album to fully open up to you, but then everything just clicks, and you won't be able to stop playing it. First-off, it looks brilliant, the layout reminds me of a Born Against/(Young Pioneers) insert. Musically, the songs kinda hold that early nineties Jawbreaker, Crimpshrine style while still sounding current... loads of bass fills and gang vocals. The songs really vary within that overall boundary, which keeps the album fresh, interesting and very replayable. It's an exciting communal effort that has something to say, and there's at least a dozen people listed as contributors. (via.)

Genre Punk