
Peter Locke, sometimes known as UncleBibby, is a New Media Artist living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He suffers from Tourette…

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Free Music Project Vol. 3 2014 - Album
Vol 3 in a series of original music by Peter Locke aka UncleBibby for use in film and other digital…


NMalone Dec 15, 2014

Hi there! Just wanted to thank you for your work, and let you know I used your track "Punch It" for an episode of the podcast I edit, FistShark Marketing (www.fistshark.com) that will post on Tuesday. Your track will appear...

DeathandGrim Oct 21, 2014

Hey, Uncle Bibby I just stopped by to say that your song Happi! Hope you don't mind that I use the song as an opener for my video game show on youtube