Undress Béton

"Welcome to Jaan Patterson's playful dystopian radio; whose Dada and I-Ching infected station-dial alights upon portmanteau scenes of horror-Punk and…

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Tarentaliogy Defloration 2010 - Album
Under Notorious SONIC effects/ undRess Beton Tarentaliogy Deflorationthis music these sounds and noises these orchestration of often intangible moments of…


MSmith93 Mar 29, 2016

Oh my, this is awesome. Almost surreal. How did you even do The Unfiled? Awesomness!

Jaan Patterson Nov 12, 2014

"Welcome to Jaan Patterson's playful dystopian radio; whose Dada and I-Ching infected station-dial alights upon portmanteau scenes of horror-Punk and appropriated speech, where fractured field recordings and malevolent synthesisers prowl. Patterson's work is, by now, vast and numerous, and goes...

Jaan Patterson Aug 08, 2010

thank you very much for your support ltgpanik! send you my regards?

ltgpanik Jul 25, 2010

Hey Played your music on L'?tranger, Radio Panik, Brussels last week! Ding to Mr. Sumner!