
Designer by day and musician by night, Vicnet has been active for fifteen years. He navigates skillfully between funk, skweee,…

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In the spotlight

Voilé 2017 - Album
Vicnet - Leap video by Thomas Lanza  For its 32nd release, Da ! Heard It Records introduces Voilé, a music…


2017 - Album
2010 - Album


jason May 06, 2010

awesome playlist as always, nartraradio!

NartraRadioRoma May 06, 2010

PODCAST#30 01_Guidance Counselor - bad love 02_Goto80 - spill 03_Vicnet - sms 04_JJM - nihilist 05_Vulvina et Jambonstar - phtysie 06_Mattress - Survive 07_Charlie Pickett - all love all gone 08_El Jugador - beer bottle blues 09_Diablo Swing Orchestra...

jason Jan 12, 2010

"He is currently working on music for a Chinese opera for 2010" ?? Can't wait for that!