A. A. Aalto

For a commercial license visit soundofpicture.com.  To use on YouTube, FB & Instagram please see my FAQ. Follow on Spotify …

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Connections 2018 - Album

No description available.


2018 - Album
2018 - Album
2018 - Album


raeyn Mar 13, 2018

I am making a video for my kids' preschool's new website. I am not getting paid to do this, but since the video will be promoting the school it is my understanding that I cannot use your music for free....

podbear Feb 22, 2018

You may use the music with attribution per a Creative Commons BY-NC license if: - The video/podcast does not promote a product or service - The video/podcast is not sponsored. - You are not producing the video/podcast as a part...

Ryleigh_turner Feb 22, 2018

Hi! I was wondering if I was able to use the song Mosey for a podcast that we are creating in my English class or if I would need to purchase it. We would make sure to thank and mention...

FullMetalTata Feb 22, 2018

Hello hello ! Thanks for your music, it's really perfect to get motivation for my research work ! I hope you'll upload more in the near future ! Regards from France !