Advent Chamber Orchestra

The Advent Chamber Orchestra is a conductorless orchestra, based in Bolingbrook, Illinois and usually performing in the Chicago metropolitan area.…

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Hi Advent Chamber Orchestra, Thank you for sharing you music with the world! We will be featuring some of your pieces on an upcoming episode of What'sHerName Podcast. This episode is about Emilie du Chatelet, early 18th century mathematician/scientist, and...

R.R. Jul 19, 2018

HI! Your music is incredible, i'm interested in using some of your music in a film, Is there someone I can talk to about this? THANKYOU

MindsiMedia Nov 02, 2017

I've found that your music makes excellent companion to my videos documenting Chicago's architecture & public art.Like this one of the Elk's Memorial Rotunda.

Howra Oct 27, 2017

Thank you for such beautiful music