
The quirky genius of indie-pop songwriter Benjimanji was a gift he almost took for granted. Thankfully, close friends gave him…

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Benjimanji 2016 - Album
The quirky genius of indie-pop songwriter Benjimanji was a gift he almost took for granted. Thankfully, close friends gave him…


2016 - Album


richard63 Jul 10, 2016

"Good Feeling" great track very catchy talented young man keep up the good work...Richard

paulb Jun 22, 2016

Hi Benj Love your work. Roses and It's not your eyes! Wishing you success as a songwriter. cheers pb

wildduck Feb 17, 2016

Benjimanji! To come across Earl Grey was one of the funniest moments of my life! (my life is not boring at all). I am a young filmmaker and have a dream to make a videoclip for this great song. I...