Big Blood

Big Blood, the phantom four piece of Asian Mae, Caleb Mulkerin, Rose Philistine and Colleen Kinsella perform only as a…

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The Daughters Union 2017 - Album
All songs written and recorded at home by big blood except "our love will still be there" written by Reg…


rj22 Aug 15, 2018

My favorite was Double Days (Both volumes), but I think Daughter's Union might have become my new fave - really wish it was available on vinyl.

rj22 Aug 15, 2018

My favorite was Double Days (Both volumes), but I think Daughter's Union might have become my new fave - really wish it was available on vinyl.

The stupidity of this band is amazing. They didn't even bother to find out the actual lyrics of She Sells Sanctuary by the Cult, before they covered it. They sing "The Texas sun makes my back burn," instead of "Oh,...

apexaction Dec 01, 2014

I love listening to your tracks! If I decide to use any of them, I'll be sure to contact you guys! Keep it up