Bird Names

Brattleboro VT via Athens GA via Chicago IL's Bird Names are a lo-fi avant-pop troupe led by the prolific David…

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For the Love of Rod 2009 - Album
in may 2005 i quit my job working at a hotel and immediately wrote a short album ABOUT and FOR…


jason Oct 13, 2010

here here John Badger! A toast to the governor's hair!

John Badger Oct 13, 2010

A follow-up to FOR THE LOVE OF ROD would absolutely kill. Holy smokes, I love that album. HUZZAH!

GDFX Aug 17, 2009

i love sleeping on their couch!

Simi Sohota May 08, 2009

They played at my friends house in Davis last year and killed!!! Definitely a fun band to see live.