Blah Blah Blah

CLICK HERE for Latest News History Blah Blah Blah started out during the late 70s punk explosion creating sounds…

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chrisandrews May 18, 2014

We are performing here in the UK with an opening set for this romantic alt-folk event. 1st live show for over 30yrs, disabled access available:)

jamesbrunner Jun 25, 2013

Your music is wonderful, you are wonderful!

I'm not a Blah lover myself.I'm an obsessive. Great live act , every gig was a show to remember. I also liked the fact the band used to go the extra mile and dress up for us audience members. Dressing...

la_la_lepus Apr 16, 2013

Cheers for Blah Blah Blah.... I'm off to liquidize chickens
