Edited onApril 12, 2023

Meet Crowander

Crowander is David Szesztay from Budapest, Hungary.

David is a multi-instrumentalist composer and has been playing in well-acknowledged bands on electric bass, guitar, keys and vocal for more than two decades. In the last 15 years, David has been writing music for theaters, advertisements, and films.

In 2019, he remastered and rearranged many of his instrumental music and named the collection under Crowander. Since then, David started recording new materials in different genres with the mindset of creating music for films and also for his listeners.

FMA Team

Peaceful - Released 2022
I always need to figure out a concept, before I'd jump into recording anything. This is how Crowander works for me. Every album is a completely different project.

The concept for my latest album: Peaceful was pretty simple. The war in Ukraine had just broken out, and it was right after Covid, so I felt that in these confusing times, it would be nice to record something peaceful. At that time, I've just bought an upright piano, mainly for my younger daughter to practice, but of no surprise, the new instrument inspired me as well. Thus, the idea for the album with only a piano was obvious. - Crowander

Music of the World - Released 2021
The album before Peaceful was Music of the World, which was the most fun to record. I don't remember where the idea came from, to record similar instrumentals of folk music from different cultures.

First, I listened many songs in international genres such as Klezmer, Balcanic, African, American, Nordic and so on. I started to make sketches of my original ideas, similar to those folk songs. I really enjoyed the process of jumping from nation to nation, day by day. After the sketches were done, the actual recording of the album didn't take too much time. Music of the World is an album of original tunes inspired by folk music of nine different regions. - Crowander

Commercial 30 Secunds (film/tv music) - Released 2019
Commercial 30 Secunds (film/tv music) are tunes for advertisements recorded between 2012 and 2017, remixed and remastered in 2019, composed, recorded and mixed by David Szesztay.

On this album, I show my ability to write more commercial music related to my other albums. Most of them would work well in an advertisement, or a commercial video, but there are some really touching tunes as well, such as Open Windows and Through the City.
