I'd be interested in interviewing you for my podcast. You can find details at http://www.musicmanumit.com/p/interview-details.html -- We'll pick a date if you are interested.
Cave Bears article in today's Village Voice: http://www.villagevoice.com/2011-08-03/music/cave-bears-cut-up-the-country-s-culture/
...but tonight's show's been moved to a different venue due to rain:
I'd be interested in interviewing you for my podcast. You can find details at http://www.musicmanumit.com/p/interview-details.html -- We'll pick a date if you are interested.
Cave Bears article in today's Village Voice: http://www.villagevoice.com/2011-08-03/music/cave-bears-cut-up-the-country-s-culture/ ...but tonight's show's been moved to a different venue due to rain: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=237983026233919