
Hi. I'm Cloudjumper. I am a huge nerd. And a sound alchemist. I live for mixing styles and sounds, playing…

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Cloudjumper Feb 08, 2017

Hi @Krommander :) Thanks for your kind words. I am very glad that my music brings you joy. It thereby has archived its?'s highest intend, and I honestly thanks you for making the effort to let me know. If you'd...

Krommander Feb 07, 2017

I was attracted to your art by your soundtrack "sublime", which I like very much. Putting your soundtracks on philosophy dissertations has a powerful charm to my ear. Thank you for your music, it brings joy to my life.

DANUTZ Sep 05, 2016

how can i contact you to send a few tracks of my own use them as you want al the best bebethekyd is my e-mail adress 0727491633 my mobile number

Cloudjumper Sep 05, 2016

Thank you @BEBETHEKYD It's always wonderful to hear that someone enjoys my work ;) But if it is in such kind words as from you it make me extra happy. Thanks for leaving this comment. Little gestures like that mean...