
Cooper Moore is a composer-improviser, instrumentalist, designer and builder of musical instruments, and music educator, living and working in New…

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In the spotlight

A Retrospective 1990-2010 (set 1) 2010 - Album
[download track-by-track liner notes here] From Cooper-Moore:    Some of you know of my work from CD recordings: 50 Miles of…


douglasawh Apr 06, 2018

I would really love to get you on Music Manumit for an interview! We have a few dates open before August 17, which is where the link will take you, but I never know how long it will take people...

from-nantes Jan 30, 2011

I've seen DIGITAL PRIMITIVES starring Cooper Moore (amazing!), Assif Tsahar (fantastic sax) and Chad Taylor (the king of m'bira) in Nantes (France) 3 days ago. Congratulations to them! so I invastigate and listen to this work: fabulous!

NartraRadioRoma Jul 07, 2010

You are in the brand new Podcast by NartraradioRoma to join us follow the link Playlist NartraradioRoama vs FreeMusicArchive (Pt6): 01_Youssou N'Dour - Africa Calling 02_Banana Clipz - Push Am Left Right 03_Kabila - Yankadi (Jamendo) 04_Salam - Laare...

krowseye May 15, 2010

A stunning collection of material, made all the more significant by Cooper-Moore's detailed, insightful comments and illuminations of the creative process.