Damiano Baldoni

IMPORTANT: I changed the license only for youtube. Every track are ever CC4 for every platform, but on you tube…

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2017 - Album
2017 - Album
2018 - Album
2017 - Album


Damiano_Baldoni Nov 24, 2018

English_Pride Yes, it was a typo! Now i correct ^_^" thanx for mentioned! I never study english , i lerned it only reading some article on internet, and seeing some video on youtube :)

english_pride Oct 18, 2018

Wow, I Love your music, man! Do you take American Dollars for a tip? (Just a heads up, on your album Lost Dynasty, on this site it's spelled "Lost Dinasty", instead of using the "Y" in Dynasty. Wasn't sure if...

rwf-art Feb 23, 2018

wohw....ich bin begeistert und ein gro?er Fan!!!!

ahmedbh Jan 15, 2018
