David Mumford

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Night Moves 2015 - Album
released 08 July 2015   A collection of homemade songs from over the years. All songs by David Mumford and Mike…


2015 - Album


anton bob kraus Apr 26, 2016

ahoy david! i used your song "mockingbird" for my campaign! thank you so much! check it out here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/antonbobkraus/granadeur-celebrating-pomegranates

fernandfree Mar 30, 2016

David Great music!!! I used your song in my newest video for my students. http://www2.assis.unesp.br/ffrei/EcoAves_vol_1/EcoAves_vol_1.html

yummylifestyle Feb 16, 2016

David, thank you for great music! :) I used your "Be Back Soon" song in my newest video for my blog. After few hours of working on this video I can't stop singing the song :) Greetings from Poland and...

dt1234 Feb 05, 2016

"Shelby Blues" Thanks David, saw your comment on vimeo, to be honest, I sing that song in my head all day :) And thank you for letting me use other songs of yours, I really appreciate it. You have a...