Doctor Turtle

Hello. If you want to get all my Royalty Free stuff as a single free download in one place, or…

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Are You There, Invisible Woman? 2023 - Album
New tracks till it's full up then on to something else. Cover pic once more by the ever-excellent Matt Hulse;…


Valeriya Topp Jan 03, 2024

Hi Doctor Turtle, thank you for your great work and amazing music. I used it for many of my dragons paintings: Hope, you are doing good, and we can hear some of new songs soon. :)

juliabrown1966 Jun 28, 2019

amazing work

pillo86 Apr 14, 2019

Thank you, mate :) here is the link: We gave you credits in the video description! Greetings Philipp

doctor turtle Apr 12, 2019

heya philipp - excellent! use whatever you want.