Edward Shallow

Exploration of the free, by the free. Cognitive liberation. Habitual behaviour that becomes autonomous within the culture ends the culture…

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Hi, I liked your music and used some of it in my game, thanks very much for having all this great music available :) my gasme's link: https://rotentlabs.itch.io/groto-escape

DatAlgerKid Feb 15, 2013

Hello, My name is Brandon and i am currently looking for some great music to place in my upcoming rpg game that i am making with RPG Maker VXACE. I came crossed your Astounding Chip-tune work and just want to...

heartstudiogames Nov 20, 2012

Hi there Edward! First off, SIMPLY AMAZING CHIPTUNE ALBUM WORLD HEAD LAW!! I simply love the entire feel and retro take on the music and I would love to use it any a game I am designing. I'm an independent...
