Ergo Phizmiz

Ergo Phizmiz is one of the most productive artists in the world. Over the past 13 years he has created…

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All Our Clocks Are Dying: Prepared Piano Improvisations 2013 - Album
Four improvisations for Prepared Piano.   (Making Jack a Dull Boy * Pot Bellied March and Rumpus * All Our Clocks…


musicfan Aug 17, 2016

I think I found the inheritor of Frank Zappa's musical legacy.

douglasawh Jun 17, 2015

I'd love to get you on my podcast for an interview! Details at

Jimmy_D. Oct 28, 2013

Your work blows me away. Fresh. Sometimes scary. Great.

jamesbrunner Jun 25, 2013

amazing, new, fresh, and SO chilled out