Ergo Phizmiz & Friends

"Phizmiz is a completely English original who I think we should cherish deeply" - Sound Projector Magazine "One of the…

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The Faust Cycle [Portion 01] 2010 - Album
Faust Cycle or, The House of Dr Faustus Written, Composed, Performed & Produced by Ergo Phizmiz Project consultants James Nye,…


Heard Portion 5 as I was browsing experimental music. Awesome, awesome stuff. It looks like I have quite the daunting task before me, because I most certainly will be listening to the rest.

dumptruck Jul 14, 2011

So good that I made and account just to be able to say how good it is. Almost one year since downloading, and still enjoying it.

John Badger Nov 18, 2010

The Faust Cycle is unbelievably awesome. If you have a spare 14 hours here or there, I highly recommend it. Truly great stuff.

icastico Mar 19, 2010
