Father Sleep

"A man hungry for the newest of all experiences finding soft fluttering feelings atop second story ourdoor structures overlooking massive…

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Father Sleep 2009 - Album
A starter, a full fledged starter of softness.



jeanphilippe Jan 28, 2013

Amazing music. It's so pure, calm and relaxing. I really enjoy it while working and it makes me nostalgic.

lawruhmartin Nov 16, 2012

Your music is really incredible. I go to school in Boston for film and some of my friends and I are starting up a mini production company. We're starting our first project, a short film, and my friend came across...

Gavin Oct 03, 2012

Hi, I used one of your songs for a documentary vid recently. I wasn't sure if that was OK with the US license so I thought I best check with you. Heres the vid... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I8LRNEmM0U&feature=youtu.be Give me a shout on...

tuddley Apr 17, 2010

Love your music, your description. A lot of heart. Thank you.
