
An 8-piece jazz monster assembled in the basement of Ferguson Hall, the University of Minnesota’s district for musical misfits. Performing…

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Run With It 2016 - Album
An 8-piece jazz monster assembled in the basement of Ferguson Hall, the University of Minnesota’s district for musical misfits. Performing…


2016 - Album


douglasawh Apr 02, 2018

We actually changed how we do booking. Now you can book directly at https://musicmanumit.youcanbook.me/service/jsps/cal.jsp?cal=a6831ad3-4ebd-4840-bd21-ce16c6eba470&ini=1520711898774&jumpDate=2018-08-17 This is a good reminder to edit that interview details page to point to the book page...

douglasawh Feb 01, 2016

Would love to get you guys on Music Manumit! Details at http://www.musicmanumit.com/p/interview-details.html