Hicham Chahidi

Music Screen is a royalty free music library, composed and produced by Hicham Chahidi. The library is organized in 16…

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Free Switzerland 2015 - Album
Royalty free ambient track featuring solo cello, solo violin, synthesizers and sound design creation.. http://www.musicscreen.org/royalty-free-ambient-music.php



Hicham Sep 24, 2018

One of my latest releases SKA. There will be a freemusicarchive page very soon: https://www.musicscreen.org/Royalty-free/Music/Ska.php Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5UUfnVltcoSSgOAqZIfO0z iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/be/album/ska-single/1402872466?l=fr Amazon: http://amzn.eu/d/hHqmdeM

musicmike100 Mar 29, 2018

The layers and textures of musical sounds interacting with the cello, violin and flowing rhythm and percussion in Free Switzerland is amazing. Is that a saw?? The raspiness of the saw and the (gravity-assisted?) "tinging" is so cool & innovative....

Hicham Feb 20, 2017

Hi Thank you very much for your kind comments!!! Yes orryfishburne i record and produce everything myself.

orryfishburne Aug 05, 2016

your music is so clean, great dynamics, and really tight. i really like how it was produced. do you record and produce everything yourself?