Hyson is musician and composer blending delicate piano, mesmerizing soundscapes, electronic melodies, and carefully placed guitars. His songs are a…
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Great music! I used the track "Olivia" in a video I produced for a non-profit. Here's the link in case you want to check it out: https://youtu.be/pDLJjx4jU0M
Great music for soundtracks! Thanks for creating these and for posting.
I am so in love with your music, thank you so much for sharing it! It's so beautifully moving.
Great music! I used the track "Olivia" in a video I produced for a non-profit. Here's the link in case you want to check it out: https://youtu.be/pDLJjx4jU0M
Great music for soundtracks! Thanks for creating these and for posting.
I am so in love with your music, thank you so much for sharing it! It's so beautifully moving.