
we've been here before, but those were just dreams...

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Form & Void 2024 - Album
This music is licensed under a Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) License. Others can copy, distribute, display, perform and remix…



Soularflair Jun 21, 2017

Excellent work. That's one helluva killer vocal range you got there! And Hi from another Queensland resident :)

Stab.content Oct 21, 2016

Created an account just to say - your music rocks. Really did not expect such quality from free tracks. I promise I will make a dondation as soon as I use one of your tracks. And seeing how I am...

LKW-Allrad Jun 27, 2016

Very nice music !! Perhaps i can use it for the next video ? I will make a don. when i use it. I will let u know this soon.

RocKhan May 04, 2016

I come to this site to find free songs for my motovlogs but I found myself I m listening the whole album of you, its great really well done. Im sure everyone will know your name soon, stay with music,...