Jody Pou

Jody Pou holds a degree in literature, 2 unanimous first prizes in Lyric and Baroque singing, and multiple prizes in…

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Jody Pou Baroque and Jazz from the album Made in Blue 2012 - Album
This album, Made in Blue, was recorded in the spring of 2012 and is now available on bandcamp and on…


Vernon Hamilton May 11, 2014

Thank you for sharing the recital. Your Italian is wonderful!

damian4666 Dec 01, 2013


uji Mar 20, 2013

Never heard a better Webern lieder performance. The Boulez recordings are accurate, but cold. The old Marni Nixon recordings are better -- but this... this is ideal. Hope that you record some more of them, especially some of the later...

cytorekatin Mar 17, 2013

Love your amazing voice, so much! thank you!!!