Jon Luc Hefferman

Jon Luc Hefferman is a 22 year old composer, producer and musician operating in the Pacific Northwest. His music employs…

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Eilean Mor 2016 - Album
A diversified collection of music that vibrates and unfurls, taking the listener on an emotional journey. From Needle Drop Co's…



baksideDisaster Jun 21, 2017

Love your tracks! Soo good. I used "A Storm at Eilean Mor" in my latest drone video dedicated to bridges. Check it out:"

superbracker Mar 23, 2017

Your music is so diverse! "Suede" is one of my favorite tracks. Thank you for making these awesome pieces available here!

Veeru Jan 12, 2017

Here is one more video I made with "Cabin". I mercilessly chopped your song to get it to fit the video, but I love the final product. Thank you and best of luck on your recording career.

Veeru Jan 01, 2017

Hi Jon Luc, I love your music and keep coming back every time I make a new video. Here is a video I made with my grandkids using "Suede". Thank you!