Knyaz Mishkin

Belarusian band of intuitive improvization "knyaz mishkin" exists for more than 18 years. Its founder and leader is a guitarist…

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In the spotlight

Kola 2017 - Album
Knyaz Mishkin is a legendary and the eldest Belarusian band played improvised music. The band already exists for more than…


2017 - Album
2010 - Album
2009 - Album


Jaan Patterson Sep 25, 2010

love to the fantastiX!

NartraRadioRoma Feb 28, 2010 Hello by NartraradioRoma's Crew..we are a webradio based in Rome...and you are in our thirteenth podcast...we like your you want to listen the podcast..and your track..youcan find everytihng in our blogsite!!! Thanls so much..bye bye by Rome!!!