microSongs are the future! We're starting a new wave... the micro-wave! Join us and submit your tiny masterpieces to our…
Will you be doing this again? In February of 2015 I did two "10in10" challenges, which is ten 10 second songs as a part of FAWM (February Album Writing Month). This was a thing a number of folks were doing,...
Updated my ringtones with you guys! Thank you so much for these fun tunes!
what a wonderful idea! So glad to have taken part with my itchy bit. love to Cheyenne, FMA, WFMU! Thanks for doing it! suRRism cheers!
Will you be doing this again? In February of 2015 I did two "10in10" challenges, which is ten 10 second songs as a part of FAWM (February Album Writing Month). This was a thing a number of folks were doing,...
Updated my ringtones with you guys! Thank you so much for these fun tunes!
what a wonderful idea! So glad to have taken part with my itchy bit. love to Cheyenne, FMA, WFMU! Thanks for doing it! suRRism cheers!