
Mittimus is the free-improv duo of guitarist Matt Sekel and bassist/drummer Mike Yarrish. They use the language of metal to…

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Paracusia 2014 - Album
NIX PICKLER: Bass Clarinet, Percussion & Microphone Abuse MIKE YARRISH: Bass Guitar, Percussion & Trinkets MATT SEKEL: Guitar, Pulse Generator…


douglasawh Apr 01, 2018

Somehow, in the 8 years of doing Music Manumit, I have never come across your page. As a podcast that started in Wisconsin, I'd love to have you on the show. You just book at -- If the date...

Matt Sekel Aug 27, 2013

If you like the music please leave a tip. Just click "Tip the Artist" in the upper right and it will link you to paypal. Mittimus will love you forever and it will help offset the cost of recording. Thanks!