Paper Navy

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All Grown Up 2010 - Album
from Paper Navy's Bandcamp profile: Paper Navy is a folk-pop outfit originating on the fringes of Nashville, TN. With musical…



2010 - Album


AaronFilmmaker:) Mar 12, 2014

Especially like the Swang Song:)

AaronFilmmaker:) Mar 12, 2014

You guys are really talented:). I love your style, so please, PLEASE don't stop playing. I'm actually a filmmaker too and would love to future one of your songs in our next film. If you're interested send me an email...

felipemartinez Jan 17, 2013

Is Wonderful... I'm a Filmmaker and I would like to record a video inspired in Swan Song :)

pablolarah Nov 30, 2010

Great music!
