
SATANASIA is a grunge/metal band from Vigo, Spain, founded in 2011 by guitarist and singer Anastasia Syrjanowa and counts with…

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In the spotlight

Abgrund 2017 - Album
This is our first album!! Enjoy! released September 29, 2016


2017 - Album


MartinMartin Dec 03, 2017

Habe ein Video mit eurem Song gemacht. Echt cooler Sound.

MartinMartin Dec 03, 2017

Hallo! Abgrund? Sprecht ihr Deutsch? :) Lg Martin

SatanasiA May 22, 2017

Hey thank you so much. I'm glad you like our music. We are looking forward to see your video and listen the song you chose! ?

alasdronesdotcom Apr 14, 2017

You guys rock! Thank you so much for making this free to use! I will use this song in an upcoming youtube video about a very famous building. I will share the link as soon as I'm done.