Selva de Mar

Sasha Agranov and Pablo Wayne define their music as « aquatic » : a tapestry of timeless, almost utopian atmospheres…

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katya-oddio Aug 16, 2012

Check out this album of Aaron Ximm recordings for more of the hang instrument.

Blinkinhek Oct 05, 2010

Heard these in Barcelona. Absolutely wonderful music. Wish I could here them live again

katya-oddio Jan 06, 2010

Will be spending days with these recordings. Enchanting, under its spell. Minor key loveliness. Thank you, Free Music Archive, and --most importantly, Selva de Mar.

jessibird Jan 03, 2010

Just beautiful! Also, "musica para planchar" is an irresistible song title. Why don't more people compose music for ironing?