Smoked Meat Fax Machine

Smoked Meat Fax Machine is John Constantinides, an electronic music producer and DJ based in Montreal, Canada. He adopted the…

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In the spotlight

Low Mileage Lease EP 2009 - Album
I'd like to drive an expensive car, but I can't afford it. Wait, now I can.


Comments Aug 07, 2011

I enjoy your music very much. I'm going to put it in some of my podcasts. Thank you.

NartraRadioRoma Jan 13, 2010

HELLO!! you are on my Podcast...ckeck it out on thanks a lot..bye bye by Rome!!!

NartraRadioRoma Jan 08, 2010

January 10, 2010 "NartraradioRoma" began to distribute the first Podcast on your blog, based on the free enjoyment of music and the first podcast di Dj Brontolo (Grumpy) there are also you with "while we slept" come on and commented.....