Michael Reeve's Talking Bum


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Released Jun 28, 2024
Plays 1.3K
Downloads 12
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Michael Reeve's Talking Bum by Earwax is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Track info

In the early 80's I had a friend at primary school called Michael Reeve. His big brother had a punk band and as I recall they played a song called "Michael Reeve's Talking Bum". I've always remembered bits of the song and recently decided to record it. It wasn't until I did a Google search for "talking bum" for an album cover that I realised that the original song is by UK novelty punk band Splodgenessabounds "Michael Booth's Talking Bum": https://youtu.be/zV2bL7j3mq4?si=IeNBXqAlUdS5YrvE
So here's our mis-remembered cover version of their song.

Instrumental No
Explicit Radio-Safe